Diploma program

LATVIA Flora & Fauna(YLFF)

Award rules

LATVIA Flora & Fauna(YLFF) Awards are earned by confirming 2-way QSOs (SWL-reports) with amateur radio stations located within the boundaries of various nature reserves, national parks and special protected areas throughout LATVIA (see YLFF list for details).

Along with the basic YLFF LATVIA Certificates of 3 three main classes (Gold,Silver,Bronze) will be 4 additional different classes – 15, 25, 35, 50+ Honor Roll( for “hunters”) and 10,15,20,25+ Honor Roll ( for“activators”).

Rules for earning the YLFF Latvia awards for “hunters”

Award may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station, or SWL for contacts on any bands and modes since 01.2010 with YLFF-stations:

  • YLFF Latvia (YLFF) Award Gold – 10 different YLFF territories

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  • YLFF Latvia (YLFF) Award Silver– 7 different YLFF territories

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  • YLFF Latvia (YLFF) Award Bronze – 5 different YLFF territories

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  • YLFF LATVIA Awards for additional territories(total):

    • 15 territories

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    • 25 territories

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    • 35 territories

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    • 50 territories + Honor Roll Plaque

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- Honor Roll 50 territories -Special wooden plaque - Free for Latvia, 5 EUR (Europe) and 10 EUR (DX).
Sponsored by Valery YL2SW and Arnis YL3GBC.
LATVIA Flora&Fauna (YLFF) Awards (paper) fee: 1,5 EUR (YL-Latvia), 3 EUR(Europe) and 5 EUR (DX) Electronic award (format .pdf) - free of charge.

Rules for earning the YLFF LATVIA for “activators”

Award may be claimed for accredited activations of different Latvian national parks, nature reserves and special protected areas (see YLFF list) by any licensed radio amateur or club station eligible under following conditions:

  • At least 100 QSOs of 2-way contacts were logged during activation and minimum 2 hours;
  • Electronic log file with some proof of activation such as photos, videos, entrance tickets or other was submitted to YLFF coordinator –YL2SW
  • club station or group visits, (YL44WFF,YL0WFF etc.) – activated territory is valid/counted for each team member.

  • YLFF LATVIA Award Gold – 7 YLFF ref.

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  • YLFF LATVIA Award Silver – 5 YLFF ref.

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  • YLFF LATVIA Award Bronze – 3 YLFF ref.

  • YLFF LATVIA Awards for additional territories(total):

    • 10 territories

    • Responsive image
    • 15 territories

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    • 20 territories

    • Responsive image
    • 25 territories + Honor Roll Plaque

    • Responsive image

Latvia Flora&Fauna (YLFF) Awards and Honor Roll Plaque for “activators” are free of charge.
Sponsored by Valery YL2SW un Arnis YL3GBC.

Contacts(SWL-reports) confirmation YLFF LATVIA Flora&Fauna.

Contacts could be confirmed in either three ways:

  • automatically by WWFF Logsearch system database or at our WEB site(YLFF LOG search will be added soon)
  • written- application (letter)
  • written application with received QSL cards(photocopies)

- SWL need to receive several consecutive QSOs(minimum 2) for each station. To avoid „fake” reports, QSOs with stations spotting YLFF activities on DX cluster will not be valid for SWL.

Application for awards:

  • YLFF number and name of reference area.
  • Call signs of the YLFF stations(for SWL - correspondent call sign too)
  • Date and time
  • Mode
  • Band
  • Your call sign and date.

YLFF LATVIA Awards manager
Please submit your application to:
Ingus Selevskis, YL2TW
E-mail: ylff@inbox.lv yl2tw@inbox.lv
Mailing address: Ingus Selevskis
VALKA, LV-4701

Contact info

YL2SW Valery - Manager&Coordinator YLFF
YL2TW Ingus - Awards manager
YL2CQ Erwin - Authorized Representative-Kurzeme